Introduction to Facial Plastic Surgery

The physical exam will include assessments of skin quality and excess, fine and deep lines/wrinkles, and descent and/or loss of facial fat volume or in need of chin augmentation. Then neck will also be evaluated for excess skin, excess fat deposits, and position of the muscles. The patient’s hairline will also be evaluated, specifically at the sideburn area, as this may determine if the facelift incision is hidden within the hair or if it will course in front of the hairline.

Following your facial plastic surgery, bandages and a light wrap will be applied to your face and head. Small drains may be placed temporarily to drain any excess fluid or blood that may collect. You will be given specific instructions on how to care for your incisions and drains.

The immediate recovery will depend upon what type of anesthesia that your plastic surgeon will employ for the surgery. Various anesthetic agents affect patients differently and will dictate the patient’s recovery. Most surgeons will incorporate extensive local anesthesia into the tissues which can allow patients to wake up pain free. The local anesthesia will begin to wear off in 3-4 hours and most patients will experience mild to moderate discomfort at this stage that is well controlled with pain medication prescribed by your local Seattle plastic surgeon.